Cattery Splash



  This website is updated regularly and often.

If a kitten is listed (unless otherwise noted), it IS available for adoption.

Last updated: October 21, 2016



Our kittens are from show-winning bloodlines, with no known family histories of genetic problems (see below) They are registered with C.F.A. You receive their blue slip registration papers, as well as a copy of their breeder's pedigree on parchment paper, suitable for framing. On their 12 week birthday, they go to the vet for a checkup. After receiving their vet certificate of health, we guarantee them against life-threatening congenital defects until they are 1 year old. We are HCM-tested/HCM-free.


Two Summer Kittens available


Ready to Adopt Today!

These two lovelies are from our Thornplum Neofa x Jobea Winter of Thornplum, born on July 11, 2016.

Both are friendly and playful. Tomasina is demure, Bear is all "boy"!

Tomasina is a female Silver Mackerel Tabby with one quarter white.

Maine Black "Bear" is a male Brown (Black) Classic.






Maine Coon Cats come in two "Tabby" (striped) categories: Mackerel and Classic. Mackerel striping is straight tiger-striping, whether the stripes are wide or pencil-thin. Classic Tabby is another way of saying "blotched", which can be well-defined wide swirls, stripes and bull's-eyes or what looks more like marbling. Classic Tabby is a recessive version of Mackerel Tabby, so a mated pair of Mackerels can have Mackerel or Classic kittens, but a Classic mated pair can only have Classic kittens!



Did You Know?

All kittens are born with Blue eyes! They gradually change to their adult color during their first year. Maine Coon cats eyes should be Gold, Green, Copper, or any combination of two of those colors. The outer half of the iris can be one color, and the inner half can be another.




Do Thornplum kittens get along with dogs?



A kitten's name is made up of two or even three names.

The first name is the name of the cattery where he or she is born.

The second name is their personal name, though sometimes it may be a formal name, and you may call them by a nick name at home.

Their third, or last name is the name of the cattery where they are now owned and are breeding.

A pet kitten will only have a first and personal name.

This will help you to understand the names of their parents, below:



Below this line is:

________ Our Breeding Stock_______


Jobea Winter of Thornplum (our "Daddy")

He is a Silver Mackerel tabby.

He is a grandson of our old Marala's Gary of Thornplum!



________Our Queens ("Moms")_______



Thornplum NEOFA

She is the daughter of our Thornplum Nutmeg x Thornplum Flame.

She is a Brown Patched Mackerel with 1/2 White. With Jobea Winter of Thornplum, she can have kittens of any color. Each litter will be a surprise.


Thornplum NUTMEG

She is the daughter of our Thornplum Maine-Made Surabi x Beauridge/Cooperridge Spunky.

She is a Brown Classic Tabby. She is a wonderful mother to her kittens.







Our kittens are raised in our home. We do not release them until they receive certification of health from the veterinarian, at twelve weeks old. Their health records and a veterinarian's certificate of health, as well as their breeder's pedigree, and registration papers for CFA are included at time of pickup. We also provide a baggie of their normal dry catfood so that you can transition them slowly to the food you will be giving them at home. We use Purina Kitten Chow, as well as raw poultry and rabbit organ meats and bone.

To purchase a "pet" kitten under our sales contract, "pets" must be neutered/spayed by 6 months of age, before they begin to mark their territory. It is possible to have them neutered/spayed at 3 months before picking them up, upon request at your additional expense (males: approximately $100; females: approx. $200). Call for pricing pet kittens. We can accept payment by (for an additional fee of $15 per kitten). Personal checks must clear our account before pickup as payment must be made in full before the kitten can go home. Cash ONLY acceptable tender on day of pickup. Shipping and associated additional vaccinations are your responsibility.


AIR: We will not ship a kitten alone by air before 14 weeks due to the stress involved. These precautions allow us to guarantee their health until they are one year old. It is our highest goal to produce healthy and happy kittens. We deliver the kitten to the Bangor International Airport, our fee for gas/time for the 70 mile round trip is $40. We can purchase an airline-approved carrier here for $40. Shipping is limited by temperatures on the tarmack at the airports. You pay for air shipping the kittens in cargo, and all vet paperwork on vaccinations and health checkups required. (Average cost of air travel: $450 all inclusive)

CAR: Personal delivery by car in New England is possible for a fee of $30/hour I travel from my home. Scheduling at our mutual convenience.


After our vet has certified our kittens' health at 12 weeks old, we guarantee them against life-threatening congenital defects until they are one-year-old.

For more info, give Patty a call at 207-338-4042.


